|x| Welcome |x|

Welcome the very first hatelisting for the unrealistic fan-made union of Mimi Tachikawa and Yamato "Matt" Ishida [Mimato]. It is free for anyone to join. Please be mindful that this is a hatelisting, not a fanlisting.

|x| Updates |x|

12/29/06 = I removed websites of members who did not post a code on their site linking back here. If you wish to have your website back on the list then first please put a code on your site, and then re-join the listing.


You are now viewing layout version 04; same design, new images. There are also new codes, and I corrected any broken links and glitches on the site. Members, please make sure that you link back with one of our codes if you own a site. I will be inspecting some time this month.

|x| Recent Statistics |x|

Started: June, 2004
Last Updated: June, 8 2008
Current Members: 59
Managed By: Lizzy

|x| About |x|

What is a hatelisting?

A hatelisting is an archive of fans that are against a specific person, place, or thing. They may dislike what ever the subject may be for particular reasons.

Veracity is the first hatelisting for the fanfictional couple Mimato [Yamato "Matt" Ishida x Mimi Tachikawa] from the series Digimon: Digital Monsters.

Who are Yamato and Mimi?

Yamato "Matt" Ishida and Mimi Tachikawa are one of the eight chosen Digidestineds from the anime and manga Digimon: Digital Monsters. They, along with six others, are sent to save the mysterious Digital World.

What is Digimon?

Digimon is an anime and manga series by Akiyoshi Hango consisting of a total of five seasons [each revolving around a group of different characters]. Yamato and Mimi appear in both season 01 and 02.

|x| Rules |x|

1. You must dislike/hate the pairing Ishida Yamato x Tachikawa Mimi.

2. Please give valid information. It is required you state your real e-mail address, website links, and country.

3. It is not necessary to own a site in order to join. Although, if you have one please use one of our codes - do not direct link. It must link back to Veracity and remain on the site at all times. I will give you one week to do this after you have applied. If I do not see the code, or at least a text link, your site will be removed from the list.

4. Fanfiction.net profiles will be allowed provided that you use a text link that directs back here.

5. When the form requests for a password, type in "anti-Mimato".

6. If by any chance your website contains excessive porn/hentai, racism, or illegal materials, do not apply your site. If so, I will only list your name and e-mail address.

|x| Join |x|

Please type in "veracity" as your password.

Powered by: Response-O-Matic

|x| Codes |x|

To show your support choose a code to place in your website and have it link back to: http://seabreeze.ryux.net/veracity/. DIRECT LINKING IS NOT ALLOWED.

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ANTI Mimato

Mimato HATE